I enjoy this little girl so much. She is such a precious and special addition to our family. She is always full of joy and loves to serve (it's pretty amazing). I just wanted to share a few pics of my two little ones. The one above is of me flat ironing her hair. She loves it, she says it makes her hair long like mine. And, let me tell you, she is girly just like her mommy and Hudson is as much of a boy as his daddy is. All he wants to do is hunt, play in dirt, roar like a dinosaur, and wrestle (fight, fight, fight). It's amazing how different they are, but so funny how similar they are to me and Todd. She looks just like Todd, but acts just like me. Hudson looks just like me, but acts just like Todd. Funny Huh!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Posted by Kari at 2:30 PM 74 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Been a while
It's been a while since I've blogged, so I thought if I changed my background maybe I would be encouraged to blog a little. So I thought I'ld start by sharing some pictures of us this summer. We have had a busy and fun summer. My mom was here for 6 months. She rented an apartment while she had her home on the coast for sale. Anyway, it sold and she's back home. We miss her terribly!
Posted by Kari at 1:17 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
16 random things about ME
I was tagged a few weeks ago now by my dear friend Allison Stephens, who by the way I MISS SOOOOOO much.
Okay so here goes, I may get 16 maybe a little less, but I'm trying. I'm really not that interesting of a person.
1. I am an only child and I love it.
2. I am also the only child that I knew growing up that could have a coke with my breakfast.
3. When I was younger, I ate a pickle every night before I went to bed. And I wonder now why I have a problem eating healthy.
4. I sleep under 4 blankets at night.
5. I love snuggling with my children, kissing their sweet faces, holding and looking at them. I really think I could do it all night. I love it!
6. I have worn two different shoes in public more than once.
7. I broke my tailbone on a slide in Germany.
8. I broke a bone in my foot whild in Spain. (I think I need to quit traveling out of the country)
9. Those were the only two bones I've ever broken.
10. I think these past three years have been the most difficult in terms of making and developing good friendships. I have begun to wonder at times if it's my stage of life or if it's really something about me. I would say me, but then I think of all the good friends I've made prior to living here and I have great, good and lasting friendships.
11. I have a cup of coffee every morning when I wake up.
12. I shot a bird when hunting with my husband once and started to cry. Let's say I've never been hunting again.
13. I hate exercise, but I love to jazzercise. It's the only workout I've every really enjoyed doing. I recommend it to any of you that hate the gym.
14. I am not crafty, but try my hardest to be. I am such a copycat when it comes to making things.
15. My best friend today is my best friend from when I was 4 months old, that's when she was born. I guess you could say we're like sisters. We're the only sister each of us has ever known.
16. I am not an organized person, but really want to be. I really think it's something that you're born with or not. Is there any of you that would disagree with me? Because if you do, I would love to know how to work toward being an organized person or if you have tips.
Okay, so now I'm done and I now tag Paula Cibula, Kim Cobb, and Amanda Skinner, if you guys haven't already done this.
Posted by Kari at 3:10 PM 3 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
Jesus' birthday party
Posted by Kari at 6:27 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
My LIFE these days
We seem to be too busy these days. I feel at times I don't have time to sit and play with my children. I am busying myself with too many other projects, whether it be getting ready for vacation, redecorating the house, calling pest control, cleaning, laundry and anything else you can imagine.
My heart breaks when I read a friends blog who has just lost her little girl. I sit, wonder and pray for her and her family and can't imagine what she is going through. Please, pray for this family, if you're interested in her blog, you can go to Atchison family from my blog.
Another good friend (Amy Cook, she's really neat you should read her blog too), one day they will be too old to ask you to play and we'll wish we had played with them when they were asking us to. There are so many times that I've told Hudson I would play with him later because I was having to cook, unload the dish washer, iron or some other thing that's not nearly as important as he is.
Todd and I have really been missing Birmingham lately, not the city itself, but our great friends there. We have been here a little over 2 1/2 years now and still feel homesick. We miss all of you from there so much and wish we could be living our lives with you and your families.
This was a quick update of me and what's going on right now.
Posted by Kari at 2:53 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Posted by Kari at 8:50 PM 4 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Hair Tip #3 (i think)
Posted by Kari at 7:20 AM 5 comments